Can highly recommend Jeannette Welp, especially for companies, organizations and governments. Collaborations with team members, departments and management are optimized from connection so that you can function and grow even better.

Jacqueline La Riviere

Jeannette Welp lets you experience real connection during her introduction to the World Café

In her interactive contribution, Jeannette Welp ensures that the energy flows among the participants. As a sought-after speaker on brain and connection, Jeannette literally gets the participants moving. It is a fantastic introduction to then enter into dialogue with each other in the World Café.

Jeannette Welp has an impact as the introductory speaker of the World Café. Using the latest insights from neuroscience, she lets participants experience the power of music and how to achieve real connection. Before anyone knows it, music is being made together with hands, feet, voice and boomwhackers.

Jeannette is the conductor who makes participants feel that many Ikjes form a beautiful Samen! when you start jamming together. To then come up with the best ideas from co-creation with that mindset. A must for every organization that wants to take the next step in collaboration, inclusion and change!

‘An explosion of connections in the brain. That is the connecting power of music!’

Jeannette Welp

Teamontwikkeling met Jeannette Welp


Music is a powerful tool when it comes to team development in organizations. However, music is also very important for students, especially in education. In her contribution to education, Jeannette actively works with the participants using various work forms. The next school day, everyone can use the same work forms in class. Using music as subject integration has great effects. Learning to read from the digital board by singing a new song works perfectly for the child’s brain. Or short activating work forms with music as a transition to the next lesson. Learning to do arithmetic by rapping together: ‘Ik zeg 2 en jij zeg …’ (hearts in love). There is a lot of scientific research into music in education. For example, about increasing the concentration of students by using background music. Jeannette is happy to tell you all about it during her contribution!

Music is also used in healthcare with patients and teams with great results. In the Netherlands, Prof. Hans Jeekel of Erasmus MC has been achieving sensational evidence-based results around music as medicine for years. In Jeannette’s presentation for healthcare, she enthusiastically informs participants about the superpowers of music, but she also works with the participants to experience it for themselves.


Wow, yesterday I was able to experience a keynote by Jeannette! What a wonderful evening full of connection and fun! Great to get to know each other better as business buddies in a relaxed and musical way and also to go into depth with conversations in the groups! If you as a company want to make the connection between your staff or colleagues even better, then Jeanette is really recommended!

Bea van den Bosch

The training ‘The power of music’ lived up to its title. All enthusiastic colleagues out of their comfort zone making music. And it sounded great! In the past weeks I applied the training in my own music lessons with equally enthusiastic children who played the boomwhacker.

Sepkje Tamminga
Teacher Kyk, OT Noord

Jeannette regularly gives workshops for organizations. Participants work together in both plenary and small groups. Finally, Jeannette believes in doing and experiencing. After which she tells what happened in the brains of the participants. A workshop by Jeannette provides a lot of energy, joy and new insights.

Each workshop is tailor-made by Jeannette based on the goal. Duration: from 45 – 150 minutes.

Novella Media BV
Kleterstraat 20
3862 CA Nijkerk
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 85 87 70 170

Jaap Voerman
Tel: +31 6  533 326 51

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