Here’s how to get a good dialogue going at a World Café
When organizing a World Café, always start by asking “what is the purpose of this session?” Which issue would benefit from a good dialogue? Is it about the exploration or the awareness of a certain theme/issue? Or is it more about a bigger need for knowledge sharing and generating concrete ations? On what level should the output be? And last, but not least: how can we adequately turn the results into actions?
The main theme is determined in phase 2, including the three underlying themes which ensure the correct output/results. In addition, the extra requests for help are discussed, as well as the conference image, the routing of the participants and the role of the hosts. In Phase 3, the production phase, the final individual routing is made, badges are designed and produce and all other necessary print work is finalized.
The World Café Experience has a lot of experience in asking the right questions during all the organizational phases in order to set up the best World Café with the highest possible impact. Based upon your request we gladly think along with you and/or take care of organizing the full session or part thereof. You can also reach out to us for advice, an experienced moderator, table cloths, routing plans and floor management. We are very glad to help.
You have decided to organizing a World Café.
Very cool, and also exciting, but where to start? The concept seems simple, but it is imperative to start all preparations on time.
First of all decide on the purpose of the session. Do you wish to end with an actual action plan or should it be more of an inspirational session? Decide on a theme with the correct underlying themes. Decide on the number of round tables (150cm), divided by 3 based on the number of participants. Choose a location with a good and fitting atmosphere that has a room into which all the tables fit. Ask the participants who would like tob e table host and ensure a briefing session is planned for the hosts. Prepare respective routing plans, clear badges, a perfect invitation and order all necessary materials. Think upfront what to do with the output and how feedback will be given.
Have fun!
But you can also start by calling us on +31 85 87 70 170!
Debating is common in our society. Throughout the years of eduction young people are taught how to debate. Debating is about winning, having the right answer and batteling with each other on the basis of arguments. The World Café Experience believes that, as diverse as we are, we all have a piece of the solution and that we all need each other. Learning from each other, working together and having a good conversation is more effective than fighting each other. Dialogue ensures that people take ownership and give support and it also makes the most of all the ideas and suggestions that people have. The World Café Experience is themethod to successfully take new steps going forward, together, even in times of change.
Novella Media BV
Kleterstraat 20
3862 CA Nijkerk
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 85 87 70 170
Jaap Voerman
Tel: +31 6 533 326 51
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